Even in the city, there are trees throughout, providing food and shelter to many birds butterflies and bees. The birds especially, like to wake up early and greet the fresh new day with their song. I think of it as a song of gratitude. In this drawing are some of the birds that I heard. I used the Merlin app to identify them by song, then I found reference for the drawings online as I looked each one up. I knew they were there because I heard them but it’s much harder to see them. They are tiny and they blend in with the abundant leaves of the trees.
It's not always easy
to have a happy and successful marriage. Indeed it can be quite challenging at times. But when you do find the right partner, and make that commitment, the event is well worth celebrating! We wish love, good health, and happiness to the new couple! ¡Salud! Since Colombia is so close to the equator, the temperature doesn’t fluctuate enough to create proper seasons as we experience them in North Carolina. Here in Medellin, trees can have all of the seasons at once on their branches. I’ve seen buds, flowers, faded flowers and fruit, all on one tree, all at the same time. We saw fruit bats tugging at the fruit high up in the trees. Here is a fruit bat enjoying a snack from a nearby tree. Hi there!
I’m in Columbia now! How crazy is that? My daughter is getting married and I just couldn’t miss it. Here in Colombia, There is much wildlife, even here in the urban valley of Medellin. Many of the tall trees and plants throughout the city are flowering and fruiting. These provide a healthy environment for birds, bees and butterflies. The butterflies are everywhere! I’ve seen yellow butterflies and brown ones, white ones and orange ones. I’ve even seen monarch butterflies here in Medellin! The one here is a beautiful orange color. My husband Timothy and I went to Colombia for the wedding of our daughter.
Because I didn’t get to make my blog entries during that time, I’m going to post them all at once now that I am back. Several of the posts above are from our Colombia journey. |
August 2023
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